Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Criteria 7

Criteria 7

Fully registered teachers promote a collaborative, inclusive, and supportive learning environment.
Key indicators:
  • Demonstrate effective management of the learning setting which incorporates successful strategies to engage and motivate ākonga/learners.
  • Foster trust, respect, and cooperation with and among ākonga/learners.

Guiding question

How do I promote a collaborative, inclusive, and supportive learning environment that embraces e-learning and engages learners?


Developing digital citizens

Digital citizenship encompasses a number of areas. It involves students being digitally literate, confident and capable users of ICT who know how to protect themselves and respect others in online spaces. The students should demonstrate values and key competencies from the New Zealand Curriculum in their use of digital tools and when re-using digital content. Teachers have a large role to play in developing these skills with students.
Digital citizenship
Use the information, school stories, and resources on this page to develop your understanding of digital citizenship and ways to integrate this teaching into your classroom. 
Digital citizenship modules
These free self-paced learning modules can be used for professional development. They contain information and useful links for teaching and learning in the classroom as well as providing information for parents and caregivers.
NetSafe has a comprehensive range of information and resources to support schools and teachers develop policies and practices that ensure a safe digital environment.
Connected and confident: What does digital citizenship look like in our increasingly connected world?
A November 2012 Slideshare presentation by Suzie Vesper that provides useful information and links to resources.

Creating a collaborative learning environment

Students collaborating
The way that e-learning tools are used can contribute to a safe and supportive classroom environment where students feel motivated to succeed. Students need to learn to how to work with others and how to respect others in a digital environment.
Using e-Portfolios to engage with the community
e-Portfolios provide anywhere, anytime access for family/whānau and the wider community. These school stories describe the benefits of using e-portfolios to connect students with special needs and their families.
Information, school stories, and resources explaining how to blog and demonstrating the benefits of blogging to student engagement, motivation, and learning outcomes.
Preparing students for commenting with wall blogging
The online environment should be a place where there are high expectations of student behaviour. This post by Sylvia Tolisano on her Langwitches blog shows how to work towards positive and meaningful student blog comments.
6 Ways Google Docs Supports Collaboration In The Writing Process
This post on the Teach Thought blog outlines how Google Docs can be used for students to participate in digital writing workshops that combine peer editing with cooperative grouping.
Voicethread for digital conversations
A resource looking at how the online oral language tool VoiceThread can be used to engage students in learning conversations where they value and respect each other’s contributions.
Developing key competencies - Wellington Girls' College Tech Angels
This is an initiative to have students trained to support both staff and other students in the use of technology within the school.

Being culturally responsive

Teachers can harness e-learning tools and online resources to recognise and value the cultures that students bring with them to the classroom.
Blended e-Learning for Māori and Pasifika Learners
A group in the VLN for educators to share ideas and resources, discuss practice and pedagogy, and provide support for each other with the aim of engaging Māori and Pasifika learners so that they may achieve educational success whilst maintaining their cultural integrity.
Pasifika resources
This page provides a list of Pasifika resources for use in the classroom, links to specific discussion groups in the VLN, and useful documents.
Māori resources
This page provides a list of Māori resources for use in the classroom, links to specific discussion groups in the VLN, and useful documents.

Raising engagement and motivation

Students often find the use of e-learning tools engaging and teachers can use them to motivate students in their learning.
Using Storybird to improve literacy
These school stories describe how using Storybird has motivated reluctant writers into being highly engaged in their learning.
Paraphernalia - a short animation to use in literacy
In this blog post, Tom Barrett explains how a short animated story could be used to motivate and encourage students to write.
Te Pātaka Matihiko Digistore
This search result lists all the learning objects in Digistore. There are a large number of learning objects within Digistore that are "games with aims" - real life simulations that are designed to engage students in their learning. You can browse by topic or use the search to find a learning object that meets your students' learning needs.
Snapshot: Samorost 2 and SpiderScribe
This Software for Learning snapshot describes how an online game and mind mapping tool are used to motivate students and support English language learners in the writing process.
Using Angry Birds to teach math, history and science
In this iLearn Technology blog post, a teacher in the US shares how he uses the context provided by a game to engage and motivate students in their curriculum based inquiry.

Catering for all learners

Students have different learning needs and e-learning tools provide ways to cater for those differences and personalise the learning. Online resources can also provide support to teachers working with students with specific needs.
Assistive technology
Information, school stories, and resources focused on using assistive technologies to improve learning outcomes for students.
BLENNZ Learning Library
A collection of stories written by BLENNZ educators for parents, whānau (family), and colleagues about children and young people who are blind, deafblind, or have low vision. Many of the stories show the use of technology to support student learning.
Enabling e-learning: Teaching community
Join this group in the Virtual Learning Network (VLN) to explore how and why we use ICTs to support effective teaching and learning. The discussion thread What it looks like is focused on what inclusive practices look like.
Universal design for learning in the classroom
This blog post from the Software for Learning group in the VLN explains, universal design for learning (UDL), the  Success for All initiative, and using technology to include more students.
Digital learning objects
The digital learning objects within the  NZ Maths website have different versions to allow for differentiation to meet the needs of learners. 
ICT PD reflective summaries in the VLN
Access the search results for all ICT PD cluster reflective summaries. These searchable summaries provide useful examples and insights into school and classroom practice. 
Child-led learning with ICT
In this article from Teach Primary, teacher Kevin McLaughlin outlines how he is using technology to personalise work for each of his students.
ICT and the visual learner
This wiki page by Andrew Churches looks at how visual learners can be supported with e-learning. There are pages for other learning styles on the wiki.
Multiple intelligences and technology
Resources to help explore how using technology can support learners with strengths in different areas.

Criteria 6

Criteria 6

Fully registered teachers conceptualise, plan, and implement an appropriate learning programme.
Key indicators:
  • Articulate clearly the aims of their teaching, give sound professional reasons for adopting these aims, and implement them in their practice.
  • Through their planning and teaching, demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of relevant content, disciplines, and curriculum documents.

Guiding question

How can e-learning support and extend what I am trying to achieve when planning programmes of work for groups and individuals?


Effective pedagogy and e-learning

It is important to have explored some of the latest thinking on the integration of e-learning tools in order to use them effectively for teaching and learning.
This section of the website contains information, examples, and resources to build your pedagogical understanding of how technologies can be used to enhance effective teaching approaches leading to improved student learning outcomes.
Kellie McRobert explains e-competencies and how they are aligned with the NZ Curriculum key competencies. She shares stories of her classroom practice with supporting research.
The e-Learning Planning Framework
Teachers can use the descriptors in the teaching and learning dimension of the e-Learning Planning Framework (eLPF) to assess and develop their e-capability.
Ways forward with ICT: effective pedagogy using information and communications technology for literacy and numeracy in primary schools
Practical examples of teachers' effective use of ICT and the ways teachers can maximise the impact of e-learning tools for numeracy and literacy are presented in this research paper from the University of Newcastle, England, published in August 2011.
e-Learning at Point England School
The pedagogical approach to e-learning used at Point England School is described along with the model used for teacher planning.
Bloom's digital taxonomy
Andrew Churches provides a technology-focussed update to Bloom's Revised Taxonomy.

Teaching examples using ICT

Students using ICTs in the classroom
This section of the website provides information, school stories, and resources to support teachers in developing their e-learning capability.
Tools for teaching and learning
This section provides links to, and information about, e-learning tools and software that can support your classroom programme.
Enabling e-Learning: Teaching community
Use the discussions and resources bookmarked to find teaching examples.
Snapshots of Learning
Examples of how specific software can be used to enhance learning and teaching. More snapshots are in the  Software for Learning group in the VLN.
What is your favourite class blog post of 2012?
This discussion thread from the Collaboration group in the VLN links to Allanah King's Google site, Link Learning Exemplars. This resources aims to give you ideas for blog posts and connect you with other classrooms in New Zealand. You can review posts from 2011 and 2012.

Digital resources supporting teaching and learning

This section provides links to, and information about, e-learning resources to use in your classroom teaching and learning programme. The information includes a summary of the resource, videos showing examples of how they can be used in the classroom, and links to any relevant discussion groups in the Enabling e-Learning communities.
Te Kete Ipurangi
Te Kete Ipurangi(TKI) is the portal to online resources, information, and learning areas for New Zealand schools. It can now be personalised so the user can control what appears on the home page in line with their own areas of interest.
Diigo - OZ/NZ groups
In Diigo, an online bookmarking tool, teachers can collaborate to build bookmarks around topics of interest. This is the group for New Zealand and Australian teachers where they have shared links to useful online resources and readings.

Capturing student voice

The information, stories, and resources show how and why to use e-portfolios as well as examples of students sharing and reflecting on their learning.
EDtalks - Capturing student voice
Chrissie Butler shares her thinking about, and the challenges involved in capturing student voice with specific examples related to VoiceThread.

Criteria 5

Fully registered teachers show leadership that contributes to effective teaching and learning.
Key indicators:
  • Actively contribute to the professional learning community.
  • Undertake areas of responsibility effectively.

Guiding question

How do I/can I use e-learning to support my colleagues to strengthen teaching and learning in my setting?


Role of the e-learning leader

Effective leadership is crucial for the successful implementation of ICT.
Enabling e-Learning: Leadership
This section of the Enabling e-Learning website provides information, school stories, and resources to support leaders in planning for and implementing e-learning initiatives in their school.
Enabling e-Learning: Leadership community
Join this group in the Virtual Learning Network (VLN) to participate in discussions and share resources focused on supporting school leaders to lead change, develop vision, policy and strategy to integrate ICTs into learning.
Strong leadership of e-learning
Lyn Ross from the Te Apiti ICT PD Cluster outlines the development of strong leadership in e-learning within their cluster. The rationale and process are supported by video clips from the principals and lead teachers sharing their practice.
ICT lead teacher wiki
Suzie Vesper's wiki has a number of tips and resources on how to lead ICT effectively in a school.

Vision and strategic planning for e-learning

Teacher and students
Providing effective e-learning leadership in a school requires the school to have an understanding of where they are now and where they want to be in the future. These sections on the Enabling e-Learning website provide information, school stories, and resources for:
The e-Learning Planning Framework
The framework is a tool for schools and teachers to assess their current e-learning practice and capability then identify next steps to inform planning across five key areas.
The e-Learning Planning Framework - how and why to use it | NAPP Kōrero 16
This discussion in the Enabling e-Learning Leadership community illustrates different school leaders perspectives on how they can use of the e-Learning Planning Framework.
Kellie McRobert explains e-competencies and how they are aligned with the NZ Curriculum. She shares stories of her classroom practice with supporting research.
Ministry initiatives
Up to date information about Ministry of Education initiatives that provide e-learning opportunities.

Managing change

Once the decisions have been made, an effective e-learning leader needs to know how to put new initiatives into place and support staff during the implementation.
Leading e-learning
The information and resources in this section of the Enabling e-Learning website focus on managing change and planning for the building of e-learning capability in your school.
Nine principles for implementation: The big shift
Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach provides advice for school leaders wanting to implement change.
Reaching the reluctant teacher
Jamie McKenzie offers strategies to reach those teachers who are late adopters and/or reluctant technology users.
Using digital tools to facilitate professional conversations
Digital tools can provide safe forums for collaborative dialogue. This wiki page illustrates how you can use a tool like VoiceThread to capture staff learning conversations.
Literacy, languages and leadership blog - Why some teachers will never love technology (and that’s O.K.)
Dr Sarah Elaine Eaton’s post about the adoption of new technologies in schools includes information about Everett Rogers “Diffusion of Innovation” theory and how this relates to implementing e-learning in schools.
Lessons learned: Tips for new technology facilitators
This blog post by Kim Cofino, a full time technology facilitator in international schools, has a number of useful pointers for anyone working with staff to support them in implementing e-learning initiatives. She also has another useful post Work with the willing: Moving teachers into the 21st Century.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Criteria 4

Criteria 4

Fully registered teachers demonstrate commitment to ongoing professional learning and development of personal professional practice.
Key indicators:
  • Identify professional learning goals in consultation with colleagues.
  • Participate responsively in professional learning opportunities within the learning community.
  • Initiate learning opportunities to advance personal professional knowledge and skills.

Guiding question

How do I/can I utilise e-learning to further my professional learning and development?


Professional development networks

There are a range of networks that teachers can join and contribute to in order to share ideas on best practice and to share a range of useful teacher resources.
Professional learning communities
Use the information, resources, and school stories to identify and develop professional learning communities (PLCs) that share e-learning understandings and practices focused on improved student learning outcomes. Use the links on the Learning communities section of this page to join PLCs relevant to your role.
The Virtual Learning Network
The Virtual Learning Network (VLN), He kōtuinga ako ā-ipurangi, is an interactive resource provided by the Ministry of Education for all New Zealand educators. Members are able to create groups in order to build communities of practice around common areas of interest. Join the Enabling e-Learning community within the VLN.
A simple comprehensive guide on the use of personal learning networks in education
Use this guide for teachers by Med Kharbach, author of Educational Technology and Mobile Learning, to find and participate in professional learning networks.
OZ/NZ diigo network
A group of New Zealand and Australian educators contribute to this online collection of shared bookmarks.
Five-minute film festival: Twitter in education
This post on the Edutopia site has a list of videos that help to explain the place of Twitter in education. Many of the videos show how Twitter can be used to create a network of educators.
10 ways teachers can use Twitter for professional development
This post by Educational Technology and Mobile Learning outlines how to make the most of Twitter to connect with the wider educational community.

Online professional development

Professional development
Find out how you or your school can participate in these professional development programmes and courses funded by the Ministry of Education.
Enabling e-learning community: Group calendar
Sign up for the free webinars aimed at school leaders and teachers accessed through this community. The calendar also provides links to e-learning conferences and other learning opportunities for educators.
Online numeracy PD
There are online modules and tutorials for teachers to upskill in teaching numeracy. They are  Online numeracy PD and  numeracy content tutorials.
K12 online conference
This free annual conference focuses on innovative ways Web 2.0 tools and technologies can be used to improve learning.

Criteria 3

Criteria 3

Fully registered teachers demonstrate commitment to bicultural partnership in Aotearoa/New Zealand.
Key indicator:
  • Demonstrate respect for the heritages, languages, and cultures of both partners to the Treaty of Waitangi.

Guiding question

How do I/can I utilise e-learning to demonstrate respect for the cultural heritages of both Treaty partners in in Aotearoa/New Zealand?


Professional development

Māori student using ICT
Ka Hikitia - Managing for Success: The Māori Education Strategy 2008 - 2012
This strategy document focuses on how to raise Māori student achievement.
Research and readings - Access the following documents via the research and readings page on Enabling e-Learning 

Teaching and learning resources

Learning areas
Use the information, school stories, and resources to develop  authentic, inclusive learning experiences using technologies.
Māori resources
School stories, links to discussions in the Virtual Learning Network (VLN), and useful websites to support teaching and learning for Māori.
Blended e-learning for Māori and Pasifika learners
This group in the VLN has a wealth of resources to support teaching and learning.


Typing Māori easily
Instructions on how to type macrons for all computer platforms.
He Kupu o te Rā
In-depth instructions for using macrons in email, text messages, documents and websites.

Connections to iwi

Naumai place
An online database for marae. Find marae by iwi/hapū, or by location.
Te Kāhui Māngai
Te Kāhui Māngai is primarily designed to provide information on iwi (tribes) in New Zealand, including their rohe, hapū, marae, and representative organisations. It also includes certain national and Māori organisations.