Criteria 12
Fully registered teachers use critical inquiry and problem-solving effectively in their professional practice.
Key indicators:
- Systematically and critically engage with evidence and professional literature to reflect on and refine practice.
- Respond professionally to feedback from members of their learning community.
- Critically examine their own beliefs, including cultural beliefs, and how they impact on their professional practice and the achievement of ākonga/learners.
Guiding question
How do I use e-learning to advance the learning of my ākonga/learners through critical inquiry with my professional learning?
Teacher inquiry into e-learning
Teacher inquiry is an evidence-based process that allows teachers to trial new pedagogies and tools in relation to the needs of their class. It can be a powerful tool for implementing e-learning in the classroom.
e-Learning as inquiry
The e-Learning as Inquiry framework is an adaptation of the Teaching as Inquiry framework. The school stories and resources on this page support your understanding of using the e-Learning as Inquiry framework. Explore integrating e-learning contexts into your practice, evaluating whether your teaching practices produce better outcomes for your students.
The e-Learning as Inquiry framework is an adaptation of the Teaching as Inquiry framework. The school stories and resources on this page support your understanding of using the e-Learning as Inquiry framework. Explore integrating e-learning contexts into your practice, evaluating whether your teaching practices produce better outcomes for your students.
Software for Learning - Snapshots
A collection of learning snapshots describing teacher inquiry process using e-learning tools to support student learning. More snapshots are in the Software for Learning group in the VLN.
A collection of learning snapshots describing teacher inquiry process using e-learning tools to support student learning. More snapshots are in the Software for Learning group in the VLN.
Resources Search
This search result lists all the Reflective Summaries from ICTPD cluster inquiries into e-learning.Teaching and e-learning from the Te Apiti ICT cluster is a useful example of the content in here.
This search result lists all the Reflective Summaries from ICTPD cluster inquiries into e-learning.Teaching and e-learning from the Te Apiti ICT cluster is a useful example of the content in here.
Past eFellows reports
Access the research from teachers who have been released from the classroom for up to two weeks per term to conduct research around the impact of e-learning in NZ contexts.
Access the research from teachers who have been released from the classroom for up to two weeks per term to conduct research around the impact of e-learning in NZ contexts.
Professional learning communities
Professional development
Find out how you or your school can participate in these professional development programmes and courses.
Find out how you or your school can participate in these professional development programmes and courses.
Professional learning communities
Information, school stories, and resources providing information about and links to professional learning communities for NZ teachers and school leaders.
Information, school stories, and resources providing information about and links to professional learning communities for NZ teachers and school leaders.
Interface - Teacher blogs
Use this link to access the Interface magazine collection of teacher blogs.
Use this link to access the Interface magazine collection of teacher blogs.
Read the research
Access to the latest articles on the topic of e-learning in education can help to inform approaches to trial within a teacher inquiry.
Research and readings
A collection of e-learning related articles that can be used to help inform classroom practice.
A collection of e-learning related articles that can be used to help inform classroom practice.
Students' learning experiences with the Web 2.0 tool MyPortfolio: a case study of one high school classroom
A research report from Victoria University(2010) on the use of digital tools. Marielle Lange unpacks some of the findings from this research in her blog post, Does a public audience help the development of metacognitive skills?, in the VLN.
A research report from Victoria University(2010) on the use of digital tools. Marielle Lange unpacks some of the findings from this research in her blog post, Does a public audience help the development of metacognitive skills?, in the VLN.
Computers in New Zealand schools
This online journal contains articles that are a mix of peer-reviewed, informational, and opinion based articles. It includes reports of research, software, and book reviews, with an emphasis on practical applications.
This online journal contains articles that are a mix of peer-reviewed, informational, and opinion based articles. It includes reports of research, software, and book reviews, with an emphasis on practical applications.
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