Friday, June 28, 2013

Criteria 9

Criteria 9

Fully registered teachers respond effectively to the diverse language and cultural experiences, and the varied strengths, interests, and needs of individuals and groups of ākonga/learners.
Key indicators:
  • Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of social and cultural influences on learning by working effectively in the bicultural and multicultural contexts of learning in Aotearoa /New Zealand.
  • Select teaching approaches, resources, technologies, and learning and assessment activities that are inclusive and effective for diverse ākonga/learners.
  • Modify teaching approaches to address the needs of individuals and groups of ākonga/learners.

Guiding question

How does e-learning support me to respond effectively to the experiences, strengths, interests, and needs of individuals and groups of ākonga/learners?


Being culturally responsive

Students in the classroom
Teachers can harness e-learning tools and online resources to recognise and value the cultures that students bring with them to the classroom.
Blended e-Learning for Māori and Pasifika Learners
A group in the VLN for educators to share ideas and resources, discuss practice and pedagogy, and provide support for each other with the aim of engaging Māori and Pasifika learners so that they may achieve educational success whilst maintaining their cultural integrity.
Pasifika resources
This page provides a list of Pasifika resources for use in the classroom and links to specific discussion groups in the VLN.
Māori resources
This page provides a list of Māori resources for use in the classroom and links to specific discussion groups in the VLN.
Māori related resources
The catalogue of Māori resources showcases content within Digistore that is either in Māori or has content related to Māori culture.

Gifted and talented learners

GiftEDnz VLN group
This open group in the Virtual Learning Network (VLN) explores issues and resources related to gifted and talented education in New Zealand.
Catering for GATE students with e-learning tools VLN group
This open group in the VLN has a specific focus on e-learning tools related to gifted and talented education (GATE).
Gifted and talented online
This TKI site supports schools, teachers, students and parents in assisting gifted and talented students to reach their full potential academically, emotionally, and socially.
Unit: How did we find Nemo?
An example of a unit designed to extend gifted and talented (GAT) students incorporating the use of digital tools as one part of the unit. This unit is accessed from the English sample units of work page on the NSW Department of Education and Communities: NSW Curriculum and Learning Innovation Centre website.
Critical evaluation of information
Students need to be able to critically evaluate the validity of what they find on the web. With an emphasis on individual research for GAT students, this becomes crucial. The resources on this page can help them to do this.

Inclusion and accessibility

Assistive technology
Information, school stories, and resources focused on using assistive technologies to improve learning outcomes for students.
Using e-portfolios to engage with the community
These school stories focus on how the use of technologies benefit teacher collaboration and parental engagement at Kimi Ora school.
Mac OSX accessibility options
The Mac operating system comes with a number of options for supporting learners with a range of specific needs such as a built-in screen reader and the use of voice controls.
Windows acccessibility options
There are a number of options for supporting learners with a range of specific needs from within Windows 7, Internet Explorer 8, and Office 2010.

Personalising learning

Te Pātaka Matihiko/Digistore
Use the leveled activities and digital learning objects to allow for differentiation supporting all learners. The NZ maths digital learning objects have the same type of activity at different levels to cater for all abilities.
The information, stories, and resources provide support with understanding how e-portfolios can be used to personalise student learning.
Khan Academy
Students can work through learning videos and practice exercises to support their learning across different learning areas.
BBC KS3 bite-size revision
Online sites with revision activities and information allow students to visit the materials as many times as they need to and work through at their own pace.

Analysing student data

e-asTTle is an online assessment tool, developed to assess students’ achievement and progress in reading, mathematics, writing, and in pānui, pāngarau, and tuhituhi. e-asTTle provides teachers and school leaders with information that can be used to inform learning programmes and to apply teaching practice that maximises individual student learning. Results can be analysed by ethnicity.
Three useful tips with Google Forms
This blog post by Suzie Vesper shows ways you can use Google Forms to gather and mark assessment.

Connecting with students

Information, school stories, and resources demonstrating the benefits of blogging that improve student engagement, motivation, and learning outcomes.
Using Facebook for history
In this article from Interface magazine, Queens High School teacher, Lara Hern-Rollo describes how she set up a page on Facebook to engage with her students and bring them together as a community of learners beyond the classroom.

Engaging with the school community

There are clear benefits to teaching and learning in classrooms if the wider community is engaged and has a voice in the learning process. The use of e-learning tools can help to facilitate these connections.
Engaging with the community
Find information and examples of ways schools can engage with their communities using information and communication technologies in this section of the website.
Beyond the classroom - Connecting home and school
Join this Enabling e-Learning community group in the Virtual Learning Network. The group aims to support schools to empower and educate their families and whānau, with, and about, technologies.

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